Well done good and faithful servant!

Most of us weren’t taught effective money management skills much less healthy beliefs about money and possessions. We “caught” what our parents actually did, and formed our financial beliefs based on the consumer-driven messages of the culture. No wonder the average American consistently cites money, the economy, and work as their top three causes of stress. “Everything About Money” is a course on Biblical stewardship and effective money management based on the timeless principles and practices found in the pages of Scripture.

You may or may not hold a high view of the Bible. You may or may not profess to be a Christian. Whether you are a believer, a skeptic, an agnostic, or simply unsure of what to believe, the financial wisdom found in the pages of Scripture is incredibly practical and easily proven. We invite you to suspend judgment until you’ve had an opportunity to apply the principles and practices taught in this course. We’re confident you’ll discover what countless others have already discovered – Biblical principles are in fact true and powerful!

Pastor Dave Wessels taught the Rock Financial Life Everything About Money series from 2004 – 2019 and filmed the series in 2015-16. The course contains 27 individual sessions, each covering a different topic. Each session builds on the foundation of the prior material, so it’s important to watch them in sequence. Each session is 15-20 minutes long – well worth your time!

God bless you as you begin your journey!

This video series was produced by Rock Financial Life – a ministry of The Rock Church San Diego

SESSION 1: Introduction

Learn God’s objectives for your finances and chart a course to manage your money using God’s principles taught in scripture. Assess your current financial objectives and learn how you can achieve true financial freedom through God’s wisdom and discretion, and experience what you are predestined for.

SESSION 2: Mission Possible

You were created in the image of God, and you have been given a mandate to grow and protect your Father’s resources. Learn to use your authority and exercise dominion on His behalf and cultivate the power to fulfill your purpose for your family, your friends, and yourself.

SESSION 3: Secrets of the Best Seller

God has given you territory over certain areas of your life in order to cultivate and protect them. Being vigilant in your spiritual battles will enable you to overcome your challenges by trusting in the Lord to prosper your soul and usher in freedom in every area of your life.

SESSION 4: Rights & Responsibilities

Session 4: If God owns it all, then every spending decision is a spiritual decision. Did you know? In this video, learn the biblical perspective of how we are to view money – and its true purposes. And learn spiritual principles to help you operate in this world as a faithful steward of the resources God has entrusted to you. 

SESSION 5: Scorecards

Session 5: You can’t manage what you don’t measure. Learn a system to help you gather reliable information of your household spending. This video’s teaching will help you keep your spending on target throughout the month.

SESSION 6: Pinocchio

Session 6: There is a time component of implementing positive financial change. Learn how diligence and a concerted effort of doing the right things over time are the keys to increased prosperity. Learn how biblical principles and practices protect you from harmful consequences and pave the way for security and favor in your finances. 

SESSION 7: Mile Markers

Session 7: Learn how to set godly financial goals and financial targets to work toward that help you build your finances in a logical, step-by-step step fashion. The sequential goals we teach always focus on the next best thing for you based on where you are currently. This allows you to focus on one thing at a time.

SESSION 8: Priorities

Session 8: Have you ever wondered what you should do with your money? This session teaches how to set godly financial priorities to align yourself with God’s heart. In this video, we unveil some of the culture’s lies and teach you how to curb your discontentment – a heart sickness that must be confronted using spiritual weapons.

SESSION 9: Margin

Session 9: In this video, we teach you how to create a spending plan to tell your money where it should go – so you don’t wonder where it went! Create a budget and learn how to ensure your income is allocated wisely. Budgeting is not a dirty word. It is a spending plan that will help you achieve your goals, and experience security and peace of mind.

SESSION 10: Jack!

Session 10: Learn what the Bible really has to say about giving. What is the core message of giving in the Bible? Is it required for New Testament believers? Will I really be rewarded for my giving? What’s the real purpose? The answers may surprise you. Watch and find out!

SESSION 11: Joy!

Session 11: The Bible gives you guidelines on how to give, when to give, where to give, and how much to give. However, there is one big secret that you must be told to get this right. Do you want to know the secret? Watch!

SESSION 12: Jail!

Session 12: Learn about what the Bible has to say about debt. Would you be surprised to know there are no positive references to debt in scripture – only neutral and negative! That should tell us something. Watch this video to understand the true costs of debt. Hint: It’s more than financial. Debt is a thief.

SESSION 13: Snowball Fights

Session 13: Learn an amazingly powerful, time-tested tool to get out of debt called the Debt Snowball! We will teach you how to create a debt elimination plan using a spreadsheet that will tell you the month and year you will be debt-free! Make no mistake…God wants you to get out of debt – and stay out of it. Period.

SESSION 14: Playing Craps!

Session 14: Learn the biblical warning of not gambling on presumption. We put our finances under pressure with unwise decisions while hoping nothing unexpected happens to upset our carefully laid plans. This is not smart – and it’s also unrealistic. Life is filled with surprises – hoping for nothing but good surprises is a fantasy. Watch and learn how to protect yourself from gambling on presumption.

SESSION 15: Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous

Session 15: Learn how to be wise when considering the two biggest financial decisions most Americans must make. Regrettably, these two decisions can cause the greatest financial pain and regret, too – houses and cars! Why? Because many people gamble on presumption. By applying wisdom, you can avoid making mistakes in these areas and greatly increase the likelihood of achieving your financial objectives.


Session 16: Money and marriage. Money fights are one of the enemy’s weapons of choice to create marital conflict so severe it leads to divorce. In this session, learn about the strengths and weaknesses of the six primary financial personalities – Savers, Risk Takers, Givers, Security Seekers, Flyers, and Spenders. Why does God put together spenders and savers? Or risk takers and security seekers? Doesn’t matter! He wants us to work together! Learn common mistakes spouses make to sabotage their marriages, and best practices couples can use to strengthen their relationships. 

SESSION 17: I Will!

Session 17: Learn how to use money conflict to engage in open and honest communication resulting in financial intimacy. Conflict can be healthy – if it’s approached with an abundance of grace. When couples begin to embrace biblical financial principles, it’s not uncommon to experience MORE conflict. Don’t run from it – learn how to lean into it and begin to embrace a whole new level of communicating through Money Talks!

SESSION 18: Raisins

Session 18: In this session, you will learn some tools on how to raise kids as godly stewards. As parents, we have the primary responsibility of teaching our kids financial wisdom. We must learn how to invest in our kids. If we don’t, the culture will infect their young minds with all manner of myths, untruths, and dangerous beliefs.

SESSION 19: Coach 'Em Up

Session 19: In this session, we teach some objectives for training kids up in financial matters based on their various ages, and simple steps to take so that your kids will grow up with a solid understanding of the principles that result in financial security and peace. 

SESSION 20: Building Supplies

Session 20: In this session, you will learn the biblical doctrine of earning eternal rewards. The greatest investment opportunity ever imagined is offered to the person of faith. Learn what Jesus taught regarding your opportunity to build an eternal inheritance by ordering our lives around a simple choice – to invest in this present life, which will last at most 100 years, or invest in our eternity, which will last to infinity and beyond! Jesus describes a choice between storing treasure in two treasuries – an earthly one and a heavenly one. Watch this video to find out how to make the smart, faith-based choice!

SESSION 21: Radicals

Session 21: Learn the keys to effective life planning to leave a radical legacy! We all want to make a difference. We want our lives to matter. In this video, we discuss the core components of a person’s life and a plan to get the most out of each area.

SESSION 22: Hall of Fame

Session 22: In this video, we discuss the choice we must all make – to seek influence or affluence. Will you use your money and possessions as a tool impact your family, friends, and neighbors? Will you pass the test of faith by pursuing God’s purposes for your resources? Will your life be a testimony of God’s grace in impacting future generations? Learn the secrets of the men and women of the great Hall of Faith described in Hebrews 11. And learn what is required to work out a faith that can literally change the world! 

SESSION 23: Home

Session 23: Have you ever wondered what Heaven will be like? The common caricature of Heaven is that it will be boring and unappealing. That could not be further from the truth! Scripture provides plenty of clear statements and hints of what we can look forward to. In this session, learn how to live your best life now – by thinking hard and thinking often of our next life, our eternal life, with Him in Heaven.

SESSION 24: Boundaries

Session 24: God has created you uniquely with talents, gifts, and abilities unlike any other person on the planet. Glorify Him by living your life to the fullest! In this session, we teach on a biblical decision-making process looking at God’s sovereign will, moral will, personal preferences, and wisdom. 

SESSION 25: Forward!

Session 25: In this session, we teach on how to get a full and complete snapshot of our financial situation. It’s all about taking a Full Inventory. We encourage you to put everything on the table and learn how to create a net worth statement.

SESSION 26: Lights, Camera, Action!

Session 26: Where you are financially is the result of the actions you’ve taken. We must take responsibility. If you don’t like where you are, honestly evaluate your actions, not your intentions. Your intentions simply don’t matter. Action is what counts! This session focuses on the principle of Actions, not Intentions, Determines Destination!

SESSION 27: Conclusion

Session 27: What a journey you’ve been on! Regardless of your age or your current financial situation, God’s financial plan for you is to learn and follow His principles. Whether your situation is sunny or bleak, His principles provide wisdom for EVERY financial decision you face. In this session, we teach you how to Finish Well, Starting Now!