RFL Financial Planner & Tutorials

Developed in partnership with Rock Financial Life a ministry of The Rock Church San Diego

The Rock Financial Life (RFL) Financial Planner is a tool which  helps you organize your finances – allowing you to plan your journey toward financial freedom.  

Designed to complement the RFL Everything About Money course, these tutorials provide step-by-step instructions on how to complete the Planner.  We encourage you to watch each tutorial to the end as you will find many common questions answered within.

The RFL EAM course is available in a self-study format here.

Financial Freedom is a heart condition, not a financial position.  May God give you wisdom, clarity, peace and joy as you work through your Planner.  We thank God in advance for the Kingdom Impact that will result.  Together, we look forward to hearing the words…

“…Well done, good and faithful servant…Enter into the joy of your Lord.” 
Matthew 25:21


Personal Financial Planner Tutorials

English and Spanish

101 A - Introduction & Income

101-A provides an introduction to the Rock Financial Life Financial Planner spreadsheet.  An overview of the spreadsheet tool and how to use it.  Enter NET income from your paychecks, other income, and basic side gig income.

English and Spanish

101 B - Household Spending Plan

101-B describes reoccurring expenses and periodic expenses.  Enter household expenses incurred throughout the entire year.

Introduces the key concept of Margin.  Margin = Income less Expenses.

English and Spanish

101 C - Debt Elimination & Savings Goals

101-C introduces debt and savings goals, described as mile markers 1 through 4.  Enter outstanding consumer debt and note debt’s impact on Margin.

English and Spanish

101 D - Margin & Savings

101-D Adjusts household spending due to debt and its negative impact on Margin.  Enter savings goals.  See the calculated debt completion dates for each debt and for each mile marker savings category

English and Spanish

101 E - Daily Tracking

101-E puts your plan into action.  Spend to your plan and record the results on the Daily Tracker.

English and Spanish

101 F - Month End Review

101-F evaluates your plan by comparing your monthly actual spending to your monthly planned spending.  Archive the results, adjust the household spending plan if needed, and prepare for the next month of tracking.

Business Financial Planner Tutorials

English and Spanish

201 A - Intro and Business Spending Plan

The Business worksheets of the RFL Financial Planner provide a tool to detail up to five business plans and track their progress.

201-A gives an overview of the Business Spending Plan and its relationship with the Household Spending Planner.An example plans revenue and expenses for three small businesses.


English and Spanish

201 B - Business Tracking

201-B walks through the RFL Business Tracking worksheets, month end review, archive, and starting again for a new month.  The example continues with the tracking and analysis of three small businesses and their impact on the Household Daily Tracker. 

Skill Builders

QUIZ: RFL Financial Planner Review

Congratualations on your progress.  Here is a quick quiz for you to see how much you have learned.  Take it as many times as you want.

English and Spanish

301: Bonus Margin & Evaluating a Move

301 starts with a brief overview of a completed RFL Financial Planner before presenting two scenarios.

Scenario 1: Describes how to handle bonus income by using the PERIODIC BONUS MARGIN feature of the PAYMENT PLAN tab.

Scenario 2: Provides a method for evaluating a move to a new (more expensive) rental home.  Use the HOUSEHOLD SPENDING PLAN tab to evaluate the impact of the move on current goals.  Use the WHAT-IF MARGIN feature of the MILE MARKER GOAL tab to accelerate goal completion dates and motivate further action.

English and Spanish

302: Margin in your Paycheck

302 finds Margin hiding in your paycheck. Analyze your payroll deductions and compare to your Household Spending Plan to find more Margin.

English and Spanish

303: Handling Deferred Student Loans

303 provides a high level overview of the RFL financial planner. The user of the Planner is a single Mom with a good job and some debt. Included in the debt are some student loans that are currently deferred. The video walks through how to set a debt as deferred and how to model the results of removing the deferred status.